The Covenanter Village Voice
Where God’s Love and Reformed Christian Thought Meet!
Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set (Prov.22:28)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please find below the Order of Worship for this coming Lord’s Day (3/26/23). Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m. (Pacific time), 12:00 p.m. (Mountain time), 1:00 p.m. (Central time), and 2:00 p.m. (Eastern time). Let’s plan to be in the Conference Room 10 minutes early.
*** Use the following You Tube link and click on the worship service for today.
DIAL-IN NUMBER: 1-605-313-5156
ACCESS CODE: 287176#
***** For those interested in listening to past sermons, the church has its own Sermon Audio site, which you can access at:
Reformed Presbytery in North America GM
***** In addition, you may also find helpful information about the Reformed Presbytery in North America (RPNA) at our website:
Reformed Presbytery in North America (General Meeting) – RPNA (GM)
/ Please refer any questions related to live-streaming for worship to Rachael Hackler:
[email protected] /
Let us be prepared and ready to glorify and enjoy our gracious God in worship this Lord’s Day.
With brotherly affection,
Greg L. Price
Psalm 107
This psalm may be considered as an appendix to the two foregoing. Those represented the providence of God towards his chosen Israelites, who prefigured his gospel church: this, (1.) represents the providences of God to the children of men in general, and calls them to praise him for his kindness and mercy therein: particularly, 1. In directing and gathering travellers, whom he had justly dispersed, ver. 1-7. 2. In delivering prisoners, whom he had justly confined, ver. 8-14. 3. In healing the sick, whom he had justly plagued, ver. 15-22. 4. In relieving mariners, whom he had justly bestormed, ver. 23-30. 5. In changing the condition of territories, persons, and families, at his pleasure, to the comfort of his people, and the restraining of wickedness, ver. 7-42. (2.) It encourageth me to a careful observation of God’s providences, ver. 43.
Let me sing this, with a heart deeply affected with the various providences of God towards myself and others, while we have walked by the way; been confined in prisons, or lain on beds of languishing; traversed the surface of the depths, or laboured in our respective employments. Let me be a careful observer of providences, and compare them with the oracles of God, with my behaviour, and my prayers, and also with one another: so shall I understand the loving kindness of the Lord.
Order of Worship
March 26, 2023
Call to Worship (Psalm 32:10-11)
Prayer (Stand)
Psalm (Psalm 107:23-30 to the tune of Fountain)
Old Testament Scripture Reading (1 Samuel 15)
Prayer (Stand)
New Testament Scripture Reading (Mark 5:21-43)
Sermon (Daniel #40—Daniel 8:9-14)
Prayer (Stand)
Psalm (Psalm 107:31-32 to the tune of St. Anne)