The Covenanter Village Voice

Where God’s Love and Reformed Christian Thought Meet!

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set (Prov.22:28)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please find below the Order of Worship for this coming Lord’s Day (1/5/25). Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m. (Pacific time), 12:00 p.m. (Mountain time), 1:00 p.m. (Central time), and 2:00 p.m. (Eastern time). Let’s plan to be in the Conference Room 10 minutes early.

*** Use the following You Tube link and click on the worship service for today.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: 1-605-313-5156 

ACCESS CODE: 287176#

***** For those interested in listening to past sermons, the church has its own Sermon Audio site, which you can access at:

Reformed Presbytery in North America GM

***** In addition, you may also find helpful information about the Reformed Presbytery in North America (RPNA) at our website:

Reformed Presbytery in North America (General Meeting) – RPNA (GM)

/ Please refer any questions related to live-streaming for worship to Rachael Hackler:
[email protected] /

Let us be prepared and ready to glorify and enjoy our gracious God in worship this Lord’s Day.

With brotherly affection,
Greg L. Price


Psalm 10

In this psalm of lamentation and woe, we have, (1.) David’s mournful complaints of God’s withdrawment of his gracious and comfortable presence, ver. 1. (2.) His mournful and shocking representation of the wicked men, who persecuted him, during God’s absence: They proudly gloried in themselves; they counteracted the laws, and contemned the judgments of God; they contradicted and defiled their opposers; they were malicious, treacherous, crafty, hypocritical, and atheistical persecutors, ver. 2-11. (3.) His earnest supplications for relief to the people of God, attended with the firm faith of obtaining it, ver. 12-18.

While I sing these lines, ponder, O my soul, what a privilege it is to enjoy familiar fellowship with God! What abominations lie hid in an evil heart of unbelief! What a mercy, that the Lord hath withheld me from that outrage in wickedness, of which my corrupt nature is capable. Let all my views of sins and of judgments cause me to flee to Jesus for relief. If he prepare my heart to pray, he will surely grant my requests.


Order of Worship

January 5, 2025

Call to Worship (Isaiah 55:6-7)

Prayer (Stand)

Psalm (Psalm 10:1-3—to the tune of St. Kilda)

Old Testament Scripture Reading (2 Kings 10)

Prayer (Stand)

New Testament Scripture Reading (John 12:37-50)     

Sermon (Daniel #91—Daniel 12:1-3)

Prayer (Stand)

Psalm (Psalm 10:4-6—to the tune of Detroy)

Benediction (Stand)
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” Isaiah 41:10.


116 ST KILDA – Full (per Psalter -2)

049x Detroy – Full (per RPCNA Psalter -2)

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