The Covenanter Village Voice

Goals for PRCE
as discussed in a Special Session Meeting (April 8, 1999),
called for the purpose of more clearly establishing the direction
of the Covenanted Reformation
should God grant us a significant increase in financial ability

Goals for the Worldwide Promotion and Publication of the Gospel

– Establish the best Covenanter Library in the world (in both hard copy and e-text).
– Produce the best Covenanter video tapes (historical and theological) and psalm-signing cassette tapes possible.
– Send the biblical message of a Covenanted Reformation out by satellite, tv, and radio as often and as much as possible.
– Encourage the establishment of retail Covenanter bookstores in every city where such a venture would be feasible.
– Hire gifted and committed Covenanters to oversee these projects (employ our own members to work in the day to day operations).
– Lease or purchase real estate/buildings for Covenanter projects.

Diaconal Goals

– Investigate and locate legitimate diaconal situations (feeding, clothing, and housing the poor, and needy).
– Open Covenanter homes for orphans, unwed mothers, and drug addicts that desire spiritual reformation.
– Investigate and locate other organizations who faithfully assist others, and if at all possible, attempt to work together with them in diaconal projects.

Goals For the Establishment of Local Churches Throughout the World

– Establish Covenanter missions and churches throughout the world.
– Establish a seminary (perhaps many worldwide) for the training of Pastors, Elders and Deacons.
– Establish a properly paid and fully functioning Session in each church, as well as establishing Presbyterial, Synodical, and National Assemblies, wheresoever God would grant us the increase.
– Provide the best computer technology and libraries possible for the ministers, elders, deacons, (in our Covenanter churches) and supervisors (in our Covenanter projects).

Homeschooling Goals

– Provide and support capable Covenanter tutors to assist and supplement homeschoolers.
– Produce the best Covenanter school curriculum possible, at the lowest possible cost to the homeschooling community.

Goals Regarding Testimony Bearing and Reforming Civil Government Throughout the World

– Regularly publish a professionally produced magazine (similar to Alberta Report) which would challenge the many spiritual, social, and political issues facing people today from a Covenanter perspective.
– Establish a formidable legal team of Covenanters who would challenge the various covenanted nations with violation of the Solemn League and Covenant.
– Present to the various covenanted nations copies of our covenant renewal as a testimony against their defection and testimony for the covenanted cause of Christ.

For Christ’s Crown and Covenant,

The Session of the Puritan Reformed Church of Edmonton
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