The Covenanter Village Voice

Where God’s Love and Reformed Christian Thought Meet!

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set (Prov.22:28)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I will not be preaching and leading worship this coming Lord’s Day (3/31/24). I plan (God willing) to resume the Daniel series (Daniel 11:1-4) the following Lord’s Day (4/7/24).

You are invited this coming Lord’s Day (if you have not joined in the past) to join Dr. Steven Dilday (my fellow minister in the RPNA), who leads worship beginning at 5 p.m. (EDT). If you would like to join him for worship, please contact him ([email protected]) to receive online instructions (he uses Go To Meeting).

 ***** For those interested in listening to past sermons, the church has a Sermon Audio site, which you can access at:

Reformed Presbytery in North America GM

 ***** In addition, you may also find helpful information about the Reformed Presbytery in North America (RPNA) at our website:  
Please refer any questions related to live-streaming for worship to Rachael Hackler: 
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