The Covenanter Village Voice

Where God’s Love and Reformed Christian Thought Meet!

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set (Prov.22:28)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please find below the Order of Worship for this coming Lord’s Day (12/22/24). Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m. (Pacific time), 12:00 p.m. (Mountain time), 1:00 p.m. (Central time), and 2:00 p.m. (Eastern time). Let’s plan to be in the Conference Room 10 minutes early.

*** Use the following You Tube link and click on the worship service for today.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: 1-605-313-5156 

ACCESS CODE: 287176#

***** For those interested in listening to past sermons, the church has its own Sermon Audio site, which you can access at:

Reformed Presbytery in North America GM

***** In addition, you may also find helpful information about the Reformed Presbytery in North America (RPNA) at our website:

Reformed Presbytery in North America (General Meeting) – RPNA (GM)

/ Please refer any questions related to live-streaming for worship to Rachael Hackler:
[email protected] /

Let us be prepared and ready to glorify and enjoy our gracious God in worship this Lord’s Day.

With brotherly affection,
Greg L. Price


Psalm 9

To the chief Musician upon Muth-labben,
A Psalm of David.

This psalm was, perhaps, composed on the occasion of his son Absalom’s death, 2 Sam. 18; or on the occasion of the death of Goliath the champion and duellist of Gath, 1 Sam. 17. We have in it, (1.) David’s hearty thanksgivings to God, for his pleading of his cause against his and his country’s enemies, and for giving him a complete victory over them, ver. 1-6, and his excitement of others to join with him therein, ver. 11-12. (2). His triumph in God as the righteous judge of the world, protector of his people, and the destroyer of his implacable enemies, ver. 7-10, 15-18. (3.) His requests for further grounds of praising God as his own deliverer, and the confounder of his enemies, ver. 13-14, 19-20.

While I sing these subjects, let me chiefly consider the blessings of redemption, the victories of my Redeemer over sin, death, and hell; and believe that I, through him, shall be more than a conqueror. Let the ruin of transgressors effectually admonish me to stand in awe of God, and at the furthest distance from sin.


Order of Worship

December 22, 2024


101 PRAETORIUS – Full (per Psalter)

079 KILMARNOCK – Full (Per Psalter -3)

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