The Covenanter Village Voice

Where God’s Love and Reformed Christian Thought Meet!

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set (Prov.22:28)

Mission Statement:

To provide a physical and online community center, bookstore and gathering place where Covenanter and Reformed Christians can meet to build biblical unity by gaining knowledge, understanding and wisdom through God’s unmerited Mercy and Grace; fully founded upon the biblical principle that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only true Prophet, Priest and King of heaven and earth.

Available to Christians:

– Rare and Hard-to-Find Reformed Books
– Reformed Audio and Video Tapes
– CD Rom and DVD
– Most Advanced Computer Technology
– Quiet and Separate Reading Room
– Legal History Library and Research Room with Staff
– Satellite Video Communication for Lord’s Day Worship, Conferences, etc.
– Copy, Printing and Duplication Services
– Coffee and Sandwich Shop
Hours: Monday through Saturday, 6 am to Midnight. Sunday: Lord’s Day Worship Only.
– Solid Construction and Complete Electrical Power Back-ups
– Franchise or Corporate Store Concept Fully Covenanted Together

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